The Unexpected Garden

The Unexpected Garden – Stranraer forms part of the Scottish Dandelion programme, a national creative community food growing initiative. It is part of the UK wide unboxed2022 Festival; a UK wide celebration of creativity taking place in 2022.

To give you some insight into the project and how it all came about, Emerging Creative Producer Beth Pigott has written this blog to share all you need to know and how the Unexpected Garden has been progressing so far. Initially supported through The Stove Network alongside SDT, the community garden addresses many issues facing Stranraer, such as food poverty, social inclusion and growing food sustainability skills.

The Unexpected Garden has been supported through SDT to date and continuation funding for the project to keep it as a community garden was granted by The National Lottery, Wigtownshire Area Committee Fund, Stranraer Common Good Fund and The Holywood Trust, to help support the garden to continue and to become a fully constituted group in 2024.

The garden located behind Burns House in Stranraer has drop-in sessions and food produce is grown throughout the year by the community.

For information on events at the garden or how to get involved, please visit the Facebook page
Unexpected Garden Site Location at Burns House Grounds