Consultancy Opportunity

Consultancy Opportunity

Invitation to Quote: Stranraer Town Development Consultant (Place Plan)


We are seeking quotes from consultants to advance the Stranraer Place Plan as it makes its way through the Borderlands Place Planning process. Details of the tasks involved are below as is a link to the Place Plan itself.

 It is anticipated that this contract for consultants will commence as soon as possible and run until 31st March 2025 and that the tasks listed could take up to 100 consultant days.

 Interested parties should accompany their quote with details of relevant experience and familiarity with the place planning process.

Submissions should be sent FAO Harry Harbottle by Monday 16th September. Email to no later than 16th September with interviews expected ASAP.  With an expectation for employment to commence in October early November. For any enquiries, contact Harry on 07968 727 489 or Christina 01776748812.

SDT is looking for consultants to progress Place Plan projects across several areas and manage and develop both the technical development of projects via design team or other consultants. They will also be involved in developing the business case to show strong regeneration outputs and outcomes in return for investment. The four different areas of the overall projects are:-


Q1: Waterfront – East Pier development – tourism and events spaces

Q2: Uptown -Regenerate High Street – affordable living spaces

Q3: Enterprise Zone- Dicks Hill Well Being Hub provision.

Q4: Stanctuary – Outdoor Nursery Childcare provision



·         The East Pier redevelopment will see a space utilised for events, community projects, and active travel links from the station to the town.

·         The Dicks Hill Community Hub will see various community organisations using a shared space to deliver community projects that have a focus on well-being, family, employability skill development.

·         The Regenerate the High Street Living project will see the regeneration of properties on the High Street from vacant and derelict spaces into affordable liveable spaces that are in demand.

·         Sanctuary site will see a space developed on the Black Stank to provide affordable outdoor childcare and play.


In conjunction with SDT and the Town Team, the consultants will ensure development of a business plan, which delivers against the community development outputs and outcomes as per the business case, to maximise potential for the projects to generate income and be financially sustainable in the long term. They will enable a competent assessment of current and trending markets to be carried out in relation to the projects that are in development to understand the financial implications for the businesses and community assets under development. It will create basic financial assessments to understand the health of the organisation and be able to manage risks and opportunities. The consultants will be expected to champion the town and link the place plan activities and developments such as the Water Sports Hub to The George, generating tourist demand, encouraging a comprehensive marketing strategy based on this need, and bringing new market revenue to the area.


Working in support of finalised Borderlands Town Improvement Plan (BTIP) to move into the full business cases for 24/25, the consultants will ensure that funding strategies are in place with Borderlands and external funding bodies, and continue consultation with stakeholders both local, regional, and national, whilst providing additional capacity support for anchor organisations leading on the Place Plan where necessary.


Timeline & Responsibilities:

Preparing role as Town Champion – internal/external promotion of town;

Refresh strategic overview of key national/regional strategies in relation to Stranraer including NPF4, Regional Economic Strategy, SSDA Tourism Strategy etc; Fostering relations with other organisations around Borderlands Place Programme and the Stranraer Place Plan; Building confidence with key partners – Dumfries and Galloway Council, South of Scotland Enterprise, SSDA etc.

Prepare study visits for SDT and Town Team members


October 2024

Follow-up/support to BTIP process as it goes through Borderlands PMO, Place Programme Board and Partnership Board

Liaison with local businesses/landlords re town centre regeneration opportunities

Championing new vision for East Pier


November/December 2024

Sourcing funding for BTIP Phase2, Full Business Case.

Mobilisation of Place Plan projects. Establishing and supporting  partnership organizations for each of the six individual projects.

Commissioning survey of empty town centre properties. Consulting with owners to establish current and future possible use.

Creating and monitoring key delivery milestones

Scanning for emerging opportunities

Developing exit strategy from UK SPF

Arranging study tour to Stramash Outdoor Nursery, Fort William.

Arranging study tour to Derry/Moray Development Trusts re Town Centre Living

Setting up liaison with “Hit the North” in Northern Ireland to discuss best practice in reflation to town art and arts festivals.


January/February/ March 2025

Continuation of above activities

Preliminary discussions with possible partners (private and public sector) regarding development of Wet Weather Escapes.

Researching funding plan and discussion with possible operator for Stanctuary Outdoor nursery/Learning Space

Discussions with Network Rail regarding the enhancement of the approach to the station. Ongoing discussions with the multiple owners of East Pier land.

Liaison/co-ordination between Place Plan East Pier Enhancements, D&G re Mobility Hub, and SSDA East Pier vision

Procuring a programme of works to enhance the environment, safety and amenity of the town centre.

Below is the link to The Place Plan document and Place Plan projects.

Have Your Say Today – Introduction – Creating Stranraer (