Pop along and join us for an informal chat over a cup of tea or coffee to hear about the fantastic provision currently available.
The hub is located at 31 Queen Street , Stranraer Town, Stranraer, DG9 7LQ. Opening Hours: Monday and Tuesday 9am-2pm and Thursday and Friday 2pm-7pm
Our space is safe and fun for families with toys, books and art activities. With access to public WiFi and laptops. No appointment is necessary, just pop in and we’ll stick the kettle on!
The Employability Hub will also work with local businesses, employers, charities and Local Employability and Skills Partners to deliver workshops, job fairs, information sessions, host events and deliver programmes to support the local workforce.
For more information please contact: pop-up@stranraerdevelopmenttrust.co.uk
The services we provide can help with the following:
- Volunteering
- help with reading, writing and maths
- digital skills support
- training opportunities
- paid work placements
- help with money and budgeting
- health and wellbeing support
- 1 to 1 support into work
You must meet all of the following criteria:
-16 years of age or older
– Resident in Dumfries and Galloway
– Have the right to work and live in the UK
– Unemployed and looking to get back into work OR in employment and claiming an income-based benefit (e.g. Universal Credit)
AND at least one of the following characteristics:
– Parents with a child under the age of 19 (still registered in full time education)
– Armed Forces Veteran
– Asylum Seeker
– Care experienced
– Caring responsibilities
– Childcare needs
– Criminal convictions
– Homeless or affected by housing inclusion
– Long term health condition / illness
– No / limited work experience
– Refugee
– Substance related conditions
– Lack of transport
Employment Key Workers offer 1-2-1 and group work support to individuals looking to move into positive destinations (employment, FE/HE, training).
Participants are given a dedicated Key Worker who works with them to identify their goals, plan their next steps and access further employability support with partner agencies.
Participants will also be supported to create CVs, job search, better understand job applications and how to apply, learn interview techniques and preparation and access work experience placements.
The purpose of the programme is to support clients into the destinations listed below and will be delivered by CEIS D&G’s employer engagement team.
– Volunteering
-Work experience
-Modern apprenticeship
-Further or higher education
-Accredited training
Once the referral has been received, a face-to-face appointment will be arranged, where possible, to carry out a handover with the client, their Key Worker and one of our Employer Engagement Officers present to ensure a smooth transition. Once the initial appointment has been carried out, the participant will then begin the programme of support to progress into employment.
Meets DG Works eligibility criteria.
Referral Information
Referrals, including self referrals should be sent to dgemployabilityreferrals@dumgal.gov.uk
Named Contact
Keyworker Co-Ordinators,
greg.cameron@dumgal.gov.uk Lorraine.irving@dumgal.gov.uk