Place Planning Information:
Stranraer Development Trust is working in partnership with local stakeholders to develop and deliver the Place Plan Strategy for Stranraer.
Follow the link to learn more:
A Place Plan
A place Plan captures the hopes and dreams of local people for their town. Stranraer’s Place Plan has been been made by, for and with local people to set priorities for change. Our community-led Plan, with strong ideas, partnership working and the support of local people, should help unlock funding to invest in the town’s future.
Borderlands Funding
Stranraer was invited to present a Place Plan to Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal Fund by Dumfries & Galloway Council. Borderlands has just under £15 million to be shared among 5 towns: Gretna, Stranraer, Wigtown, Whithorn and Kirkconnel/Kellaholm. This was the catalyst for Place Planning. In August 2024, Stranraer was asked to attend a meeting with Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal Fund by Dumfries & Galloway Council, to discuss the Place Plan and the forthcoming Borderlands Town Investment Plan, for the projects identified within the Place Plan.
Unlocking potential
The Place Plan and any Borderlands Funding we attract should help lever other funding too. We will use the Place Plan to unlock funding promised by Scottish Government when the ferries left.
Local Place Plans
Now that we have a Place Plan, we have submitted it to Dumfries & Galloway Council so it can be registered as a Local Development Plan and be taken into consideration when the Council is looking at development proposals for the next decade.
To learn more watch the promotional video we created.:
The Place Plan Presentation to the Scottish Borders Council:
Creative Stranraer Hub
In 2022 Dumfries & Galloway Council commissioned SDT to do an engagement exercise to develop the potential for an arts and cultural base within Stranraer with a focus on the soon-to-be-renovated George Hotel. The Trust employed Janet Jones, who is enthusiastic and passionate about art and its power to heal, inspire and grow a community, to deliver the exercise. With Janet on board, SDT delivered art projects over twelve months and the Pilot of the Creative Hub on King Street was opened. This led to Stranraer receiving LUF funding for The George Hotel project to go ahead to the next stage of development. Stranraer Development Trust aided Creative Stranraer in becoming a stand-alone organisation by 2023 representing the arts and culture sector for Stranraer and The Rhins.
To reach Janet or a member of Creative Stranraer please click on the following link